5 Reason You’re Missing “Unlimited Sales”
#1 You lack consistency
Every Car, Every Time. This is a mantra that should be repeated regularly. When I go on sights to consult, or even consult on the phone, the first problem across the board is consistency. Typically this is a LARGE portion of your problems. When you don’t have this right, STOP, and fix this first, your sales numbers will increase I promise. It’s simply a numbers game… one that most are losing.
#2 Improper Training
Owners and managers feel they can just give a few basic tips and let people lose on their own. Not many in the Car Wash business have been professionally trained and have decades of sales experience, there are training programs that focus the above experience into one simple goal… Selling Unlimited Monthly Plans. Using your own or someone elses is just as fine, but at minimum, explore what is out there and take sales VERY seriously, this too will increase your number drastically and consistently. If you need a sales training program obviously I have one to offer, typically, REAL WORLD results have been the doubling of daily unlimited sales. Yes, it’s that easy.
#3 Confusing signage and flyers
The customers need to know very few things, but those few things they need to know clearly. What comes with each wash (bullet points not icons), how much is the wash, and how much is the corresponding “Monthly”. That’s it. This needs to be brief, clear and concise. Don’t try to be too cute with this, and don’t ask me how confusing icons ever became popular.
#4 Not Pricing Properly
To start you need to price aggressively, partially this is to help the sales people gain confidence. This is a multifaceted subject but the gist is to start off having the most needed/desirable monthly at 2X or less that the price of the wash. Typically you can keep the ratio that way as you raise prices, you’ll be raising the single price as well. You can raise prices fairly often if done with skill and depending how the rest of your customer service and customer perception is viewed by customers.
#5 Hiring the wrong people
5a. Stop looking for “Car Wash” people. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but the sales and customer service side of car washing is no different than any other retail business in principle. Most “Car Wash” people are poorly trained, not trained at all (see above), or have bad habits that are hard to break. Because of this, look at other companies that DO take training seriously and go after their employees that already light your fire.
5b. Have your applicants take a Myers Briggs test or something equivalent to make sure they are “wired” to be consistent and want to help people, OR, be lively and get energy from people (SELL). Many small business owners hire people who seem “obedient” and wonder why they are “shy around customers”, or “flighty” and wonder why they won’t obey every single rule. There are pros and cons to every personality type and it’s time you start to learn this if you want to take your business seriously.
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